Capital EA’s Two-Day 2024 EA/PA Annual Conference


Price includes GST.

The Oaks Ranch — Mossy Point, NSW
13-15 November 2024

What if there were a Conference developed by Senior/CSuite Executive Assistants having walked the walk collectively for over 30 years, who understand explicitly the nature of the role on how to thrive, survive and create pathways for both them and their Executive? The Capital EA Annual Conference is just this and more!

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Capital EA has organised an exclusive two-day EA/PA Annual Conference

This all-inclusive two-day conference will be held at The Oaks Ranch in Mossy Point, NSW, on 13-15 November 2024. A great educational experience with keynote and subject matter expert presenters, guest speakers, networking, collaborative sharing experiences, fun activities, outstanding goodie bags and prizes! All meals and individual accommodation is included in this inclusive package.

Why attending will benefit you and your Executive

  • Breaking through the blockages of confusion
  • Removing the complexities and recreating a solid foundation with the organisation and the Executive
  • Harvesting a Network of linkages and pathways to really support one’s career
  • Creating space to reflect and reposition for a stronger representation of the office
  • Strengthened understanding of one’s capabilities, removing any preconceived perceptions
  • Identifying individuals not just who they work for!
  • Truly thinking in the realm of a leader, and how walking alongside another can harness a strengthened approach
  • Stepping up to work on form overall
  • Seeking to find oneself again when the light becomes dim

Your Investment Includes –

  • Two nights accommodation at The Oaks Ranch, Mossy Point NSW, OR discounted accommodation at The Adobe Hotel in Malua Bay NSW.
  • Two days of comprehensive learning and development designed and developed by highly regarded and experienced EAs specifically for EA/PAs
  • Welcome Networking Evening
  • Award Winning Facilitators and Invited Guest Speakers
  • Sessions include Senior PA/EAs from public and private sectors Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra
  • Networking Events and EA/PA End of Year Dinner
  • All meals, activities, materials, notebooks and writing tools
  • Entertainment plus much much, more!


  • Nicole Toohey – Catalyser for Transformation
  • Danielle Colley – Founder of Your Good Life and Author of The Chocolate Bar Life
  • (Special Guest) Nicole Callan – Trajectory can look different in many ways | EA to Wealth Management
  • Louise McDonough — Director of Metis Coaching
  • (Special Guest) Ursula Kohler with Louise McDonough – Open Discussion from an SES perspective
  • Join us on Wednesday evening for our Welcome Networking Event with Live Entertainment to meet fellow attendees and special guests
  • Unwind at the end of day two with our EA/PA End of Year Celebration of hard work achieved during 2024
  • Mental Health, Self-Awareness Activities, Nutrition and Exercises provided
  • Individual Curated Hampers for each attendee
  • Opportunity to network with EA/PAs from other State and Territories and Regional areas

Additional information


Conference Package (Incl Accom) – Pay in Full, Conference Package (Incl Accom) – Deposit, Conference Package (Excl Accom) – Pay in Full, Conference Package(Excl Accom) – Deposit