This month’s EA showcase is our very own Ashlee McLean, Executive Assistant to Managing Director of Capital EA, Ursula Kohler.
Our goal is to raise the profile of EAs with a view to build awareness of the Executive Assistant role by sharing the diversity that the role entails, continue to share tips and tricks, encourage each other and talk about the journey in which we all take.
Please share, share and share in support of your peers!
If you know an EA or would like to contribute and share a little about yourself, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.
Your CEA Team X

Ashlee McLean

1.Name your current role?
Client Service Assistant for Capital EA and Executive Assistant to Managing Director of Capital EA, Ursula Kohler.
2. Do you remember the first day you became an EA?
I have been an Executive Assistant for just under 7 months, so my first day was not too long ago at all. Being new to the world of all things EA, my first week was a complete blur and everything felt over my head. I remember instantly having a greater appreciation for EAs and the role, because I think it is extremely underrated and many people are unaware of just how crucial and valuable the position is.
3.What would you consider to be the most rewarding part of your position as an EA?
As an EA you are exposed to a great deal of sensitive information both professional and personal and I think that in itself is very rewarding and a real privilege. To be relied on and trusted to manage and coordinate diaries/meetings and the daily workflow is a massive job and it is not a position that an EA should take lightly.

4.What was a role that you have owned or an experience you have had, that helped shaped your success in your current position?
Before embarking on my EA ‘career’ so to speak, I worked within the Veterinary industry as a qualified Veterinary Nurse. The medical world is extremely fast paced, with everything constantly changing and no day being the same. One of my roles and duties was to coordinate and manage the staff and daily procedures, ensuring that the day would flow as smoothly as possible.
It taught me the importance of good communication skills, prioritisation, organisation and the importance of ‘planning ahead’, all are very important skills used daily in the life of an EA. Another important aspect of shaping my success as an EA is being passionate about coordination. You are always going to succeed in an area that you genuinely care for and are passionate about.
5.What are three items you can’t work without?
- My monthly planner! – I am a visual learner, so I find it extremely helpful to look and see the month ahead in writing and on paper.
- My water bottle! – Staying hydrated is so important
- My ‘Blue light’ glasses! – They are fantastic for long days in front of the computer and not to mention a stylish accessory.